Sunday, August 23, 2009

This is about right

Friday, August 21, 2009

Blue! Green! Pineapple!

This has got to be the best invention ever: Giant gummy bear! On a stick!

Forget those ads saying you would have to eat FOUR (or was it six?) boxes of Raisin Bran to get the same vitamins in a box of Total. You would have to eat EIGHTY-EIGHT gummy bears to get the same uh ... gumminess ... as in one giant gummy bear. Americans rejoice!

My only question -- did green become a flavor, or did pineapple become a color? (I know from experience with Boone's Farm that "blue" has long been a flavor. Although apparently a different one than the blue bear is.) Orange, meanwhile, has always been tricky with its double meanings.

If one/eighty-eight isn't enough, the site includes a special note: "P.S. The cost to ship two Giant Gummy Bears is about the same as shipping one." Now that's thinking ahead.